The latest technological advancements will impact how the infrastructure is being planned, managed and even funded all over the world, especially in countries with highly developed infrastructure management systems.
For instance, the smart highway concept in which motorways of the future that uses glow-in-the-dark road paint. I have read about drone-powered solutions help a lot when it comes to progress monitoring of projects, maintenance management and asset inventory in difficult areas.
Some organizations have pioneered on augmented reality for the management of underground utilities.
There’s no denying that these technological advancements have an impact on the way we manage our infrastructure.
Although technology seems to give a positive influence on infrastructure, it has also created many challenges for infrastructure managers everywhere.
One of which is the availability of people who have both the technological and practical know-how. Coping with the impacts of technology on infrastructure depends solely on how the people in charge understand how to make use of the application well.
We all need to understand that technology alone is not enough to become successful in asset management. It’s not as simple as buying the latest high end and expensive software and expect to improve your asset management system overnight.
If you’re managing a small system, you don’t even need to buy the latest software to improve your asset management practice. As long as you have the right people to do the job right you can achieve the success you’re aiming for.
Over the last decades, technology innovations sprouted. Given the pace of technological change that has been going on, flexibility to change is the key.
The changing infrastructure brings more challenges and demands to how we will be managing them.
Despite all these changes now and in the future, infrastructure asset management remains to be understood as not all about the latest software but it requires the most committed people to do the work.
Technology will not do its wonders unless a good set of thinking hands will make it work.
For example, making the right or wrong assumptions would influence the way an asset management software would generate results.
In some cases, there are organizations that san using newer systems for several reasons.
One is that they find their present system easier and lesser complicated.
Two is that they don’t want to spend so much money and time on new technology when there wouldn’t be enough people who would commit to using it.
In order to improve your infrastructure management practice, you need these two important factors. Committed and diligent people using the right and efficient technology.
The pace of development in various industries is so fast that doing everything manually is definitely not an efficient way to do things these days.
Since you need to keep up, taking advantage of the latest technological breakthroughs is also important in both constructing and managing infrastructure assets.
Lastly, it’s up to any organization to find the right people for the job and organize an effective system around doing infrastructure asset management.